Expectations - Claims Employees

What Progressive expects from all its Claims employees who interact with vendors

Code of Conduct

Progressive Claims employees are required to behave in a professional and honest manner. Listed below are behaviors that we do not tolerate from our people. If for any reason any of our employees are not acting in accordance with our expectations, we would appreciate your full cooperation in notifying us so we may rectify the situation swiftly and thoroughly.

Integrity of Business Records

No Progressive Claims employee may create or ask a Claims vendor to create inaccurate, false, misleading or fraudulent documentation.

For example, no Progressive Claims employee may ask you to:

  • Record inaccurate or misleading information regarding the damages or repairs performed on a Progressive customer's vehicle, including entries into Webtracker.
  • Create false documentation pertaining to the repairs performed on a Progressive customer's vehicle, including entries into Webtracker.
  • Falsify the estimate for estimated or actual cost of repairs.

Privacy and Confidentiality

No Progressive Claims employee may disclose any information regarding a Claims vendor's business, owners or employees that the vendor has indicated is confidential, unless the vendor has given its consent.

For example, no Progressive Claims employee may share:

  • A Claims vendor's financial information with a competitor
  • Personal information about a Claims vendor's employees with a competitor

Business Gifts and Entertaining

Progressive Claims employees, are strictly prohibited from accepting, for themselves or their family members or friends, any form of gratuitous benefits from any Claims vendor that does business with Progressive, including the vendor's owners, employees and members of their families.

For example, no Progressive Claims employee may accept:

  • Cash or cash equivalents (e.g. gift cards)
  • Favors or any other form of preferential treatment
  • Travel, including airfare, vehicles, and lodging
  • Any form of entertainment, such as sporting events and concerts
  • Meals or alcoholic beverages
  • Personal goods or services
  • Discounted/free repair services
  • Loans or other financial assistance

Conflicts of Interest

Progressive Claims employees are required to disclose and avoid any situation that may cause, or result in, a conflict between their personal interests and those of Progressive.

For example, no Progressive Claims employee may:

  • Solicit monetary loans, or any other form of financial assistance from a Claims vendor's owners, employees or members of their families.
  • Have a vehicle repaired by a Claims vendor without disclosure to their manager
  • Ask a Claims vendor to employ a family member (Any family member already employed by a Claims vendor must be disclosed to the State Claims Manager and the Chief Legal Officer)
  • Purchase a vehicle from a Claims vendor without disclosure to their manager
  • Purchase salvage under any circumstances

Work Environment

Progressive expects all its Claims employees to respect everyone's individual differences and backgrounds. Harassment, abuse, discrimination or mistreatment of or against any Claims vendor personnel by a Progressive Claims employee, due to factors such as race, national origin, ancestry, color, religion, disability, veteran status, gender, age, or sexual orientation is prohibited. Additionally, we value safety. No Progressive Claims employee may carry a weapon, or behave in any intimidating way towards you or your employees.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment by a Progressive Claims employee towards a Claims vendor employee, or any other person, is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

For example:

  • Intentional physical contact such as unwelcome touching, patting or brushing up against another person's body.
  • Unwanted sexual advances, propositions or sexual comments made in the presence of any person who has indicated that such conduct in his or her presence is unwelcome.
  • The viewing, distributing, posting or displaying of pictures, images or other materials that are sexual in nature or pornographic.