Individual & Family Health Insurance

Find the right health insurance plan for you and your family

Affordable individual and family health insurance plans

Nothing is more important than the health of you and your family. That’s why Progressive Health by eHealth makes searching for individual and family health insurance plans so simple. With eHealth, you can search the largest selection of plans available online using helpful comparison tools, empowering you to find insurance that works for you. As soon as you submit your application, eHealth will advocate on your behalf to get you the coverage you need, entirely free of cost.

Protect what matters most — get a quote for individual or family health insurance now. Have more questions about your health insurance options? Learn more with our Health Insurance 101 guide.

Navigating the world of government & private health insurance plans is easier with eHealth

When you leverage eHealth’s easy-to-use tools and exceptional service, you’ll arrive at the right plan faster. Not sure if your medicine is covered? You can filter your options by prescription coverage, giving you greater confidence in your search. Have questions about your application? Its knowledgeable service team will answer them, and even follow up with your insurer to make sure your coverage starts ASAP. Quote health insurance for your family or yourself the fast, free, and easy way today.

Terms to know when quoting individual or family health insurance

Finding a health insurance plan that covers your family and fits your budget requires a little familiarity with insurance terms. After all, if you’re not sure what co-insurance or deductible means, you may not know the true cost of your health insurance. Here’s a quick rundown of the most common terms you’ll see when comparing plans and how they shape the total cost of your plan:

  • Premium: Your premium is the amount you pay on a monthly or other regularly scheduled basis to keep your coverage.
  • Deductible: Your deductible is the annual amount you pay out of pocket for medical care before your insurance pays out.
  • Co-pay: A co-pay is a fixed amount you pay for certain services, such as X-rays or specialist visits. Depending on the policy or insurer, your co-pay may count towards your deductible.
  • Co-insurance: This is the percentage of your medical bills you pay once you reach your annual deductible. Some plans may pay for all your covered services after you meet your deductible.

When you quote health insurance with eHealth, you can see each plan’s office visit co-pay, deductible, and monthly premium amount all at once, making comparison shopping easy.

Options for individual & family health insurance plans

Besides your deductible, co-pay, etc., you should also look at the plan types available to you. Each one offers varying levels of choice and out-of-pocket cost, giving you a range of options to suit you or your family’s budget and healthcare needs. Here are a few of the most popular types of health insurance plans:

  • PPO: These plans provide a wide network of doctors and specialists you can visit for a reduced rate, usually without having to choose a primary care physician. A PPO plan typically includes a deductible, as well as co-pay or co-insurance for certain services.
  • HMO: With an HMO plan, you can only see physicians within your network, and you need to get a referral from your primary care physician before seeing a specialist. A deductible and co-pay may be required, but these are usually minimal.
  • HSA: These plans include a health savings account, which lets you save money tax-free to pay for future medical bills. You can also deduct 100% of your health savings account plan contributions from your taxable income. Note that some HSA plans charge a monthly maintenance fee. These plans also have a higher deductible than other plan types but are usually the least expensive option for major medical insurance.
  • Catastrophic health plan: A catastrophic health plan provides bare minimum health coverage, meant for those under the age of 30 or who qualify for a hardship exemption.

If you’re looking for a plan that offers more coverage than your current insurance, start by checking the plan type. In most cases, PPOs and HMOs offer more coverage for a higher premium, while HSA-eligible and catastrophic health plans cover less for a lower premium.

Looking for dental and eye care coverage? Learn more about dental and vision insurance plans.

What makes Affordable Care Act insurance different from employer-based health plans?

Health plans offered through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have a few key differences from the health plans an employer might offer. One of the biggest differences is that individual and family health insurance plans offered through the ACA receive subsidized premiums, reducing the monthly cost of coverage. Another difference is that you can only sign up for ACA health insurance during the open enrollment period (usually late fall) or due to a qualifying life event, such as:

  • Loss of health coverage: Includes turning 26 and losing coverage from a parent’s plan.
  • Changes in household: Such as marriage, divorce, having a baby, or a death in the family.
  • Moving: Includes moving to a different ZIP code, as well as students going away for school.

There are other life events that may qualify you for coverage under the ACA, such as changes in income or becoming a U.S. citizen. Once you start your quote, we’ll let you know if you meet the requirements for special enrollment and provide a number of health insurance plans for you to choose from.

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